Saturday, March 12, 2011

Caroline Myss: Biggest Hypocrite in the World

A quick peek at Hay House's sister-website, Heal Your Life, led me to an article by one of my favorite authors (and by favorite, I mean favorite to pick on), Caroline Myss. It's called It's not Just about the Cookies. In the article, Myss describes a conversation she had with a CEO of the Girl Scouts of America (who unfortunately was attending one of Myss' events). Myss made it clear to said CEO that the only thing she associated Girl Scouts with was cookies. The CEO went on to explain to Myss the charitable nature of the Girl Scouts and how their goal is to make these girls into future leaders.

The most interesting part of the article came when the CEO asked Myss, "What do you think the biggest obstacle is to inspiring girls to becoming leaders in our society?" She went on to explain "The majority of girls feel that in order to be a leader in today’s society, they have to become liars and they do not want to compromise the values they are learning as Girl Scouts in order to become leaders."

It's clear that this idea struck a chord within Myss. In her article, she agrees that there are too many who have acquired their power through lying and that we need "worthy", honest leaders. She writes:
"Like our Girl Scouts and probably our young Boy Scouts, we should be looking for any evidence of integrity and refusing to settle for anyone who has to rely on negativity and lies in order to qualify to lead."
I can't figure out why Myss--who talks down to her audiences on a regular basis, harps about all the things they are doing wrong, and condemns them for any number of their personal faults--would want people to refuse to settle for negativity. And if people were to look for "evidence of integrity," they need look no further than Myss' suspicious "PhD" from a defunct diploma-mill no longer appears on her books (or any of her materials, for that matter). Even more dubious is her claim in Anatomy of the Spirit that her spiritual assistance led to a man being totally cured of HIV (of course, she has no proof of this). So why in the world would Myss want people to refuse leaders who have "to rely on negativity and lies"? Wouldn't that put her out of a job?


  1. Hi Kyra,

    I've been directed to your blog by a friend. I'm not a fan of Caroline Myss either - whatever I've read of hers usually makes me feel worse. And I'm finally rejecting Abraham Hicks, with a bit of help.
    I'll stick to Eckhart Tolle, he IS good :)

    1. Hi Andy,
      The more I listen to Eckhart Tolle the more I sense Caroline Myss is an angry soul that echoes the latest theories on spituralism. Being a spiritual teacher is a job for her. She mocks anyone who claims to be englightened (Eckhart Tolle). Tolle is geniune!

  2. Hey Andy B, thanks for the comment. Yes, Caroline Myss must be one of the worst gurus to come on the scene. She actually belittles her audiences and readers like she's some sort evangelist preacher. Plus, her teachings are so convoluted and so impossible for someone to practically utilize, I can't imagine them doing anything other than frustrating people (though clearly there are people who feel there is value to them).

    I'm not really familiar with Eckhart Tolle's work.

    Thanks again for the comment.

  3. You don't have to be a PhD to write a book. I am sure Caroline Myss gets tired of her audience getting up to go to the bathroom or to buy a Coca-Cola in the middle of her lectures. It is inappropriate and she has a right to say so. You don't do that in church and you don't do that in a college classroom, why would it be OK to do it at one of her lectures?

  4. Hey Lisa Hignutt,

    Thanks for commenting. You certainly don't have to be a PhD to write a book. However, you do need one to put the title on your book. Also, I'm not sure what your issue with people going to the bathroom or to get a Coca-Cola has to do with this post (or Caroline Myss for that matter). If you could clarify, I'd be happy to address it.

  5. I have TOTALLY noticed how negative, rude and angry she consistently sounds on Hay House Radio. I don't like to listen to her anymore for that reason. It's funny because she came on the radio and I decided to google her name and mean and low and behold this came up. I can understand everyone has a different style but how is able to be so nasty and in this field?

    1. I just looked up Caroline Myss + mean after hearing her be SO mean to callers in Hay House Radio when the near great majority of all the other presenters sound so sympathetic in contrast. I think they should give Caroline the heave ho and call it a day. It PAINFUL to listen to her literally bully the callers for being 'fragile' and thought to myself she sounds like a bitter old bat these days !!!!!! Her early work was way better but now her work is past it's sell by date. Shame.

  6. HA! I totally agree to the other anonymous poster from august 21, 2012. I have listened to her show several times on Hay House and in particular, today I am right now listening to an archived show from Monday and just can't fathom why Hay House would have such a crass person on their station! I too looked her up with "nasty" and found this blog. Although, I like her bluntness at times, afte listening today - I think I will stop listening to her shows and keep listening to the NICER show hosts that truly show compassion and understanding to their listeners. I also love how she says she's not a "circus show intuitive"...OMG! So, are you saying that all the other intuitive/psychics on Hay House who DO answer questions you find "circus-like" aren't real? Well, at least THEY are genuinely loving and receptive to their callers. She doesn't even answer the phone nicely! I've noticed too, in the past few shows there have been "technical" difficulties...I think the spirit guides are trying to shut her down! HAHAHA

  7. A agree... she is really anoying, rude and full of herself person. Even if she do knows some things, i can not listen to her, becauese i feel her jelouse and anger?!! When i first time lisetn to her, i thought: What she thing she is? I do not like her, she sounds like hipokrat.

  8. 10-4. I just sent a feedback email to Hay House about the face that Caroline Myss is doing the opposite of what Hay House represents and aims to do and what the other authors and hosts are doing very well. I find her to be the only one on Hay House who is consistently negative and rude to callers. I suggested that someone tell her to "invest" in a more loving tone and style or get her off the air. I found her early days and videos on youtube from when she first started to be so much more genuine and kind. Her ego seems to have taken over the intention of her message.

    1. Yeah. When I watch clips from her younger days, she does seem a lot less full of herself.

      Thanks for the comment.

  9. I once was a respectful reader of her. I purchased tickets to go see her in Toronto ( we are 8 hrs away) my G-mother passed away suddenly and when I telephoned all I was offered was. just a sorry we don't re-reimburse all we could do is credit you a show of equivalence in the next 6 months...not sure when she was next in Toronto and what they meant my equivalence but I lost much respect for her.

  10. I'm really not suprised people can sense past the charade. I saw past her facade just by the way she forcifully offers her perspective. We should all pray for her because it's quite easy to sense her anger and deep hurt. What she is really doind is spewing and exposing her soul's fractured disconnection from peace onto the world. This world need whole truths which comes from our soul's deep sense of knowing we are connected to love and that only happens the moment we decide to be love. Eckhart stops at the be but he should have continued onto the love. Being which Eckhart brought back to us from so many teachers actually leads us directly to love. So from this perspective, I receive value. Now look at Eckhart and those who listen to him, they have a deep sense of knowing how to spread peace (I've met some crazy followers but then a lot of his listeners and readers are serious) by purifying their own inner dramas before going out into the world. Now that's true love. Eckhart is definitely dual but he offers the world his best and you have to respect that. Carolyn takes a big giant crap on everyone. It's really quite socially abusive for Hayhouse to even allow authors who are disconnected from deep inner peace to even mentor others! That says a lot about Hayhouse's 'awareness'. Hayhouse is quite dualistic at the moment but I have faith! I truly appreciate their original nondiluted plan of pure love but this is actually abuse and goes against the pure love Louise L Hay herself emits. I love the house but this author strikes a disharrmonious cord with many who know love past her own inner pollution. There are a few more at the house well known for their manipulative through worldliness division. These souls feed from light and darkness, they are the creators which perpetuate and keep duality active globally. These souls thrive on division and would NOT have a following except for those who truly have no connection to the depths of eternal love within themselves. These souls remind me of black holes manifested into the physical. Myss's ego (hurt self) is not her true inner being. At our core we are all love. The facade she offers by claiming a divine knowingess she believes others do not have because of their los of energy is actually her way of spreading her own inner *mess* everywhere. She could really benefit from true inner illuminaton. It will happen. Those who follower her are also fractured, that's her invisible feeding frenzy and it makes her feel important in this life. So good fo her! We all need to know that. It's just so sad for those who need to know true love which she can't offer. Not the best author selection from the House but lets focus on the love! There is definitely more much more healing love at the house than this. If this woman didn't have this position she would be even WORST and even more danegrous than this and would most likely self destruct. When you leave inner peace it's quite easy to turn into a social psychopathic guru. so at least Hayhouse is helping her soul.

  11. Wow, I am glad to see I am not the only person out there who thinks Caroline Myss is an incredible hypocrite. I have attended one or two of her seminars and she can be out right insulting. I also wrote an email to Hayhouse about her radio show and how rude and nasty she can be to callers. I am tired of some of these "gurus" who preach tolerance but show none to others.

  12. I ordered a prayer cd set of Carolyn Myss and was so disappointed. I remember not liking her years ago but thought maybe I was resistant then so I would give it another try. It was recommended through a class I am taking I could not even listen to the whole thing. It's one condescending segment after another. I felt like I was being abused. How does she have such a following? She is totally disrespectful to the listener. I don't get it. I am going to return it to Amazon for a refund. Thanks for this blog. I searched CArolyn Myss Mean. :)

  13. I went to see her last night at the Hilton in New York. I had a chance encounter with her right before the show. I was floored by her rudeness. I emailed her this morning and here is what I wrote:
    Caroline, I was at the Hilton in New York last night to see you speak. Right before the show I saw you in the hall outside the bathroom. I was thrilled to see you and I tried to say hello but you didn't say anything back. Regrettably, I followed you into the bathroom. I told you that I was a big fan of your work and I stuck out my hand and you pointed to the stalls and said "I am here for this" and then you turned your back to me. I was embarrassed for following you and confused by your inability to be cordial both inside and outside of the bathroom. Where was your ego in that moment?
    I love your book Anatomy of the Spirit. I considered you to be a person who was functioning at a higher level of consciousness. What I didn't expect was the amount of anger you project off the page. Last night you spoke about treating yourself to an occasional outburst directed at people who are functioning at a lower level of consciousness. You spoke about the "taker" you encountered in the airport and how you took pleasure in shaming him for his narcissistic behavior. You mused at the idea of taking "stupid" people, who also wear trinkets, and dunking their head in the toilet. The toilet reference was not lost on me. Losing your cool is not a treat and being intolerant to those on their journey makes me question what you really stand for and if you have lost your way. How can you be living an authentic life if you’re written words are not in alignment with your life off the paper?

  14. Last night, I watched an episode of the Help Desk on OWN that I had recorded this past weekend, which featured Ms. Myss. Like another commenter here, I had already had a negative experience with her stuff (bought an audio book and didn't like it), but decided a million books and Hay House support, etc., of her must mean that I'm "wrong". All I can say is "blah". I felt bad about myself after having watched that episode. I wish I had listened to my gut the first time, and after the first few minutes of that episode. Glad to find this posting and comments.

  15. I've never personally spoken/met with her but in my opinion she has NPD -- Narcissistic Personality Disorder.There are so many great Thought Leaders and Spiritual Leaders out there (Deepak Chopra is my fav) that I have no need for the likes of her.

  16. I think the best word to describe her is narcissistic. I just saw a live streaming of her latest workshop in Findhorn and was just perplex about such arrogant, idle self-performance! Sometimes she was just talking self-centered nonsense. I asked myself:what makes people pay to listen what sometimes seems to me to be bossy selfmade ideology and being shouted at? Some seem to like it. I knew some of her earlier work when she seemed to be another person. I really appreciated that!
    I did not know how she had changed getting older
    I found some pearls as well in that streaming, but never, ever again I will watch anything like that.....
